How It Works: Our Candidate-Centered Job Selection

At Bornfight, every person matters. That’s why we created a candidate-centered selection process that helps us recognize the skills and knowledge of every candidate, as well as their potential.


We believe that every person is unique and each path to finding a job equally important. This is why, from the very moment a potential candidate first hears of us, makes further inquiries, takes a look at our website and decides to apply for a job position, our goal is to provide him or her with a unique experience in a well-thought-out process. The human resources department has a significant role in this process, one we have been continuously building from the very start of our company.

Having in mind that applying for a job marks an important decision in a person’s life, we want to make sure that each candidate ends up with some new, useful insight. We give them the opportunity to get to know our company – to learn about us, our culture, people who make it, about the job, while also learning something new about themselves.

The whole selection process is organized in a way that contributes to the development of each candidate. Each selection phase poses new challenges to the candidate, where he or she can show individual capabilities, knowledge, skills and experience.

1. Tell Us Who You Are and Where You Want to Go – CV and Motivational Letter

The first step for every candidate is sending a motivational letter and CV as an example of their professional path until the moment they applied, as well as a vision of the job they are dreaming of. After reviewing all job applications, the next phase in the selection process includes everyone whose story and vision about working in Bornfight matches the profile of a person we’re looking for in this particular selection.

2. Demonstrating Your Skills – Solving the Task

The second step for candidates is testing their knowledge – the most important thing in this phase is a candidate’s skill in presenting previous knowledge, so they can demonstrate they fit the requirements of the position they are applying for. This can be examined through various tasks, whether written or verbal, hypothetical questions or situations, and questions directly related to the experience in a former workplace.

3. Showing What You Are Made Of

The next step starts once a candidate has demonstrated his or her capabilities in the best possible way. Of all job candidates, only a small number of people get to the next step of the process – psychological testing. It gives a candidate an opportunity to express their talents and qualities and to paint a true and complete picture of themselves that should correlate with the job they have applied for.

4. Presenting Yourself – Interview

The last step is evaluating the overall selection experience. A person has the opportunity to elaborate their competences and former experience through conversation and different situations. Only one person at the end of this phase gets the job.

Learn From New Experiences and Challenges

Every segment of the process is transparent, so the candidates always know how and where they stand in the overall selection. This enables them to efficiently plan and prepare for each next step.

In each stage, we include people already working in the team a candidate is applying for, and we’re constantly questioning and improving each segment of our selection process. We strive to make each candidate feel safe and help them learn from new experiences and challenges they will encounter through their career.

We want to strengthen our candidates, just like how every day we work to strengthen ourselves and our process. We wish that they feel like this is a path of new challenges for them, just like we feel each person we contact and each selection we have is another path of new challenges for us.

If you’re interested in joining our team, check out our open job positions or send us your application at